Stakeholder Membership Benefits

Looking for more details about the benefits of stakeholder membership of NFRC?

If you're a stakeholder in the UK roofing industry (other than roofing contractor, manufacturer, merchant or service provider to roofing contractors) and you've already had a look at the overview of membership and want to obtain a copy of our 'NFRC stakeholder membership benefits' brochure to find out how joining NFRC could help your business, please complete the form below.

You can also ask any specific questions you may have regarding stakeholder membership in the form.

NFRC Stakeholder Membership Benefits

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In order to discuss with you the services and benefits available to you through membership of NFRC; we need to store information your information on our CRM so that our National Account Manager can get in touch, please confirm your consent for this:
OK to store my details for future contact?

Ready to Join?

Then we would invite you now to submit your online application.

Please note that there is a £300+VAT application fee. Whilst the application fee is non-refundable, we will reduce your first year subscription by £300. 


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