NFRC and the Rooftop Solar Taskforce

James Talman introduces NFRC’s involvement with government on using rooftop solar as a core part of UK energy security.

NFRC CEO James Talman introduces NFRC's involvement with government on using rooftop solar as a core part of UK energy security. NFRC is involved with the government's Solar Taskforce. Its purpose is to ‘bring together key players from government, industry, regulatory and other relevant organisations to drive forward the increases in rooftop and ground mount solar needed to meet the expectation of a fivefold increase in solar PV deployment (up to 70GW) by 2035'. The Taskforce will oversee the development of a roadmap for government and industry, to be published by the end of Q1 2024, that will address the risks that must be overcome and the opportunities that must be taken to achieve the 70GW deployment. Activities are divided into working groups. The Rooftop sub-group will contribute to this roadmap with the actions that must be taken to ensure that the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors are able to decarbonise at pace and contribute to the target solar generation capacity. The other three groups are the Electricity Networks group, the Supply Chain and Innovation group, and the Skills group. We are pleased to support the accelerated development of solar PV usage on roofs through the Taskforce through my membership of the Rooftop sub-group. It is essential to that ambition that standards on design of arrays, roof condition, suitability, and competency requirements of installers and maintainers are clear and universally agreed. The rapid rise of ‘in-roof' solar PV systems, particularly in new build housing, is also driving innovation and the appeal of specifying solar.