Blue Book
The Profiled sheet roofing and cladding—The NFRC guide to design and best practice, also known as the 'Blue Book', provides an accessible, practical guide to the application, design and installation of profiled sheeting for roofs and wall cladding.
The Fifth Edition Revision A can be purchased in printed or digital format from the NFRC online store. NFRC Members at £30 (plus P+P) and £45 (plus P+P) for non-Members. NFRC members need to obtain the coupon code from the member-only area of this website.
Note: Since publication of this edition a number of Approved Documents which section 2 of this publication is based on have been revised. To ensure that you are working to the correct information it is advised that confirmation of the figures used within section 2 is checked with the relevant Approved Document of that specific Devolved Nation.